App Templates

Find the source code for the templates on GitLab.

QML Only

An app template that is setup for a purely QML app. It includes a CMake setup to allow for easy translations.

C++ (Plugin)

An app template that is setup for a QML app with a C++ plugin. It includes a CMake setup for compiling and to allow for easy translation.


An app template that is setup for an app using Python with QML. It includes a CMake setup to allow for easy translation.


An app template that is setup for a local HTML app.


An app template that is setup for a QML app with a Go backend.

C++ (Binary)

An app template that is setup for a QML app with a main.cpp to build a custom binary rather than relying on qmlscene. It includes a CMake setup for compiling to allow for easy translation.


An app template that is setup for a QML app with a Rust backend.